Distance education guide for parents


As we begin to return to our former lives, we also move to new principles. According to the announced distance education decisions, you need to take on some responsibilities as a parent in order to prepare at home and continue your children's education during this period. In this blog we will write about what to do and what to avoid for your child who is studying distance learning.

Identify a plan to create an educational atmosphere

It is advisable to set a daily routine so that children can focus more on lessons during the distance learning period. This will make it easier for students to get used to the learning process as long as there are topics to be repeated throughout the day, homework to complete, and preparations for the new lesson they are about to learn. It is necessary to prepare a program like in the same school for children who will prepare at home for the lessons they will learn in the classroom. Even setting a time to wake up in the morning will keep children focused on the lesson.

How should parents behave?

The main requirement of a distance education program developed with the support of educators is that parents should not treat their children like teachers. So the discipline should be appropriate for children.

It is not right to overload children with lessons. We recommend that your child participate in this process and ask their opinion when determining lesson preparation hours.

Be realistic when creating a plan

When scheduling lessons and working hours, care should be taken to be regular, not overwork. In this case, try to set realistic hours when creating a plan that will support the educational process. Otherwise, your child may become depressed and lose motivation.

Create the right environment for homeschooling

In the past, students learned new lessons in a classroom atmosphere and wrote homework at home. It is not always possible to create a classroom atmosphere at home. However, making some decor changes will help to some extent. For example, you can make the study desk comfortable for your child. Because your child will have to spend a lot of time at this table.